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Origin of company name

Our company name 「創建築設計事務所 - SO architects & associates - 」
was named by the architect Kisho Kurokawa.
When I retired from the Kisho Kurokawa architect office in April 2005,
he wrote this name in handwriting on paper and handed to me.
He said
『when I was young, I was going to use this name for my company.But I was put my own name in the name of company, so didn't use this name.
「 創 ? SO ? creative 」I think this is a simple and good name.』
Under this name,
we continue to create the architecture and city with passion.

Kisho Kurokawa × Hitoshi Ueda

His precious car(It's owned by SOAA)

When we went to Pulau Langkawi on vacation,
He gave to me this cap